Collect and record the stories of Sham Shui Po’s diverse individuals, groups and communities
Capture 360° photos and videos of the different homes and environments of diverse groups of residents in Sham Shui Po
Perform those stories in monologues or duologues in a
Virtual Reality Dome

保留昔日建築特色,改建成其他發展用途。如位於石硤尾美荷樓翻新成為青年旅舍、薩凡納藝術設計大學、賽馬會創意藝術中心、嘉頓有限公司、深水埗警署等。 以及其他本區樓宇例如唐樓、劏房、私人樓,帶出新舊交替景象。

Calling for talented and dedicated HKU students!
You will get a chance to develop your research, writing, communication, photography, video-making, and drama skills while making impactful contributions to the underprivileged communities in Hong Kong.
A certificate will be awarded by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals upon completion.
Photo credits: Rinato Eco Floral Shop
Register now
for this exciting project with the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals funded social enterprise that serves the local Sham Shui Po communities.