Awards and Recognitions
The Common Core is driven to provide the highest quality cross disciplinary learning for our undergraduates, and, as an essential aspect of this task, we aspire to provide a culture of effective experimentation that enhances the learning of our colleagues, our community and our partners around the world. Working along multiple fronts to create such a culture, our team has begun to more deeply explore transdisciplinarity as a framework for configuring teaching and learning as transformative acts.
International Awards
2023 Quacquarelli Symonds QS Reimagine Education Silver Award
Transdisciplinarity for Future Readiness
HKU Common Core’s entry, led by Dr Jack Tsao and Prof Julian Tanner, showcased how our curriculum and co-curriculum, based on holistic transdisciplinary education, fosters adaptability and preparedness for evolving futures. The international Silver Prize was awarded in the category of Developing Emerging Skills and Competencies, highlighting the growing importance of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary education in increasingly volatile, uncertain, and contingent futures. The award reaffirms the incredible achievements of all Common Core teachers, partners (including students), and the leadership of our Vice-President and Pro-Vice Chancellor for Teaching and Learning Prof Ian Holliday and and his predecessor, Professor Amy Tsui, former Directors Prof Gray Kochhar-Lindgren and Mr Gwyn Edwards, past committee members, and many others, that have supported and driven the curriculum and co-curriculum forward.

Common Core Teaching Awards
2022 Teaching Excellence Award - Outstanding Teaching Award
Communication-intensive Courses
The Common Core has been an incubation space for the flourishing of the Communication-intensive Courses (CiCs) initiative, a collaboration between CC, the Centre for Applied English Studies, and the Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre. Since 2018, the team, led by Dr Michelle Reyes Raquel, with Mr Simon David Boynton, Dr Jack Tsao and Mr Donn Emmanuel Ventura Gonda as team members, has established a communication across the curriculum programme at HKU, with the aim of enhancing students’ communication skills.
2023 University Grant Committee (UGC) 1st Runner up Finalist
In addition to the HKU Outstanding Teaching Award, the initiative was also recognised as the 1st Runner Up Finalist at the UGC Teaching Award (Led by Dr Michelle Raquel with Mr Simon Boynton, Dr Jack Tsao, Dr Miranda Legg). Team members were inducted as ambassadors for the Hong Kong Teaching Excellence Alliance.
2019 University Grant Committee (UGC) Teaching Award
The Common Core@HKU: Transdisciplinarity-in-Action
The Common Core@HKU: Transdisciplinarity-in-Action team is led by Prof Gray Kochhar-Lindgren, with Dr Xiao Hu, Prof Gina Marchetti, Mr Matthew Pryor and Dr Julian Tanner as team members. The initiative moves across pedagogical questions, styles, content, and methodologies, and through this movement, stimulates student learning, creativity, and responsibility. The team has used to award grant to build transdisciplinary student teams, primarily across the eight UGC-funded universities, but extending to the Asia-Pacific region and focused on three of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals – Good Health & Well-Being, Gender Equality, and Sustainable Cities and Communities.
2018 Teaching Excellence Award - Outstanding Teaching Award
Transdisciplinarity in Action: Creating Multiscalar Teaching and Learning Platforms in the Common Core
The Transdisciplinarity in Action: Creating Multiscalar Teaching and Learning Platforms in the Common Core was led by Professor Gray M. Kochhar-Lindgren, with Professor Gina Marchetti, Mr. Mathew R. Pryor and Dr. Julian A. Tanner as team members.