Courses under the thematic cluster 'Creative Arts' (CA)

(applicable to cohorts admitted in or after 2021-22)
‘Creative Arts’ offers students a combined experience of both making and interpreting the arts across multiple media-formats, historical periods, and social contexts.
Area of Inquiry | Course code | Course title |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9014 | Science and Music |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9038 | Science and Science Fiction |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU6001 | For Films’ Sake! The Power of Short Films |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9018 | Art and Ideas: East and West |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9034 | Architecture and Film |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9044 | Creative Arts as a Way of Knowing |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9049 | Reinventing Classical Music |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9056 | Virtual Worlds, Real Bodies |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9062 | Buddhist Visions in World Cinema |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9070 | Making Movies: Creative Expression on Screen |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9082 | 24 Frames: Communicating Ideas through Film |
Global Issues | CCGL9001 | Hong Kong Cinema through a Global Lens |
Global Issues | CCGL9066 | Music and Global Politics: From Beethoven to Beyoncé and Beyond |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9040 | Representing Contemporary China through Film |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9051 | Digitizing Cultural Heritage in Greater China |