Courses under the thematic cluster 'Creative Arts' (CA)

(applicable to cohorts admitted in or after 2021-22)

‘Creative Arts’ offers students a combined experience of both making and interpreting the arts across multiple media-formats, historical periods, and social contexts.

Area of InquiryCourse codeCourse title
Science, Technology and Big DataCCST9014Science and Music
Science, Technology and Big DataCCST9038Science and Science Fiction
Arts and HumanitiesCCHU6001For Films’ Sake! The Power of Short Films
Arts and HumanitiesCCHU9018Art and Ideas: East and West
Arts and HumanitiesCCHU9034Architecture and Film
Arts and HumanitiesCCHU9044Creative Arts as a Way of Knowing
Arts and HumanitiesCCHU9049Reinventing Classical Music
Arts and HumanitiesCCHU9056Virtual Worlds, Real Bodies
Arts and HumanitiesCCHU9062Buddhist Visions in World Cinema
Arts and HumanitiesCCHU9070Making Movies: Creative Expression on Screen
Arts and HumanitiesCCHU908224 Frames: Communicating Ideas through Film
Global IssuesCCGL9001Hong Kong Cinema through a Global Lens
Global IssuesCCGL9066Music and Global Politics: From Beethoven to Beyoncé and Beyond
China: Culture, State and SocietyCCCH9040Representing Contemporary China through Film
China: Culture, State and SocietyCCCH9051Digitizing Cultural Heritage in Greater China