artificial intelligence for reimagining learning
Student Research Internship
We invite HKU undergraduate students to join this research project on exploring how Artificial Intelligence (AI), specifically Generative AI, is re-shaping and transforming the learning experiences of students. The study is interested in how students are currently using AI for learning, their responses to teachers’ implementation of the technology (or lack of) in coursework, any emerging ethical or other issues, and creating exemplars of meaningful use cases that can be shared with other students and teachers.
For student research, you will be required to perform the following tasks:
- Submit detailed reflections on the role of AI in your university learning experiences (individual task).
- Conduct literature review (individual task).
- Design survey questionnaires and interview questions, and draft ethics applications (group task).
- Recruit a small group of students and teachers as participants (individual task).
- Perform data collection by administering survey and interviews (individual task).
- Transcribe the interviews and perform preliminary analysis on the data to identify innovative and meaningful use cases (individual task).
- Write up case studies (individual task)
Participants will gain practical experience in basic qualitative research methods. Participating students must be available to attend the introductory briefing session on Mon 16 Dec 2024 (3 pm – 5 pm).
The research is mostly self-paced, and students should be prepared to commit at least 60 hours of work and meet certain milestones. Undergraduate students are eligible to earn a certificate and apply for two (2) non-graduating academic credit through HKU Horizons (The credit appears on your transcript but does not count towards your GPA or graduation).
HKU UGC-funded students will receive a stipend of up to HK$4,500 for completing the project and all assigned activities. Due to UGC regulations, the stipend is not applicable to non-UGC funded international exchange students.
The opportunity is only available for HKU undergraduate students.
Limited positions available. No prior training is necessary.
Internship duration: 16 Dec 2024 – 16 Mar 2025