Transdisciplinary Research Internship

Sharing Home Life: Exploring Filipino Migrant Worker Experiences in Hong Kong

We invite HKU undergraduates to participate as student researchers to explore the homelife of Filipino migrant workers in Hong Kong. With the support of various local non-profit community organisations, students will:

  • Visit different migrant worker community spaces around Hong Kong
  • Conduct participatory research through surveys, focus group and individual interviews
  • Apply theoretical frameworks of intersectionality, performativity, and racialisation
  • Transcribe recordings and perform preliminary analysis of the collected data
  • Reflect on their research experience
  • Undertake media and content analysis

The research engages with the workers to understand their motivations, identities, and aspirations, together with their experiences of discrimination, prejudice, and displacement living in Hong Kong. We will also explore how their experiences of collectivism, advocacy, and education influence their responses. The findings will support the community providers (including government organisations) on developing practical intervention to promote equity and inclusion.

The following attendance is mandatory:

  • Research Workshop: 8 June, 2024 (Saturday), 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
  • Data Collection – Participant Survey: 9 and 23 June, 2024 (Sunday), 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Data Collection – Focus Group Interviews: 7 and 21 July, 2024 (Sunday), 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (AM session) and 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm (PM session)
  • Data Collection – Individual In-depth Interviews: 4 and 11 August, 2024 (Sunday), 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (AM session) and 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm (PM session)

The project requires approximately 35 hours of total work. HKU (non-exchange) undergraduates will be entitled to a stipend of up to HK$2,000 after completing the programme and all assigned activities and will be eligible to claim one (1) non-graduating out-of-classroom academic credits (transcriptable).

Local Community Partners: Resolve Foundation, Social Justice for Migrant Workers, Migrants Pride Hong Kong, Gabriela Hong Kong, FilGuys Hong Kong.


Dates and Location:

June – August 2024
Fieldwork in sites around Hong Kong


Dr. Brenda Alegre
Lecturer, Gender Studies, The University of Hong Kong

Dr. Jack Tsao
Associate Director of the Common Core, The University of Hong Kong

Research Facilitators

Meg A. Baguio
Research Assistant
Gender Studies/ Common Core

John Andrew “Andoy” G. Evangelista
PhD Candidate
Department of Sociology