Information About Common Core Course Selection (For Exchange / Visiting Students)

Subject to availability, exchange/visiting students may, during their study at HKU, take up to 12 credits of Common Core (CC) courses from a selective menu. (Fully online courses are NOT offered to exchange/visiting students.)
Kindly note that each CC course you take must be from a different Area of Inquiry.
Exchange/Visiting students should enroll to special sub-classes marked by “X” only. DO NOT select any other class sections which have no suffix “X” (e.g. 1A, 2A, etc.). Otherwise, your enrollment would be disapproved and dropped by the system automatically.
The enrollment and approval methods are the same as those for regular students, i.e. first-come-first-served during the course selection period and auto-ballot during the add/drop period. For details, please visit
You are strongly advised to refer to the following before performing your course selection.
- Course Selection Schedule
- Student’s Guide to Common Core Course Selection in SIS
- Quick Guide on Course Selection and Enrollment
- Common Core Enrollment Statistics
- Timetable for Lectures
If you encounter any technical difficulties, please contact ITS Service Desk at / 3917 0123 for assistance.