CCGL9035 Global Issues

Challenges of Global Governance: Past and Present

This course is under the thematic cluster(s) of:

  • Sustaining Cities, Cultures, and the Earth (SCCE)

Non-Permissible Combination:
CCGL9004 Governance and Democracy in the Age of Globalization /
CCGL9006 Asian Regional Governance in an Age of Globalization

Course Description

This course explores how states and internal organizations confront and solve a variety of transnational problems ranging from climate change to transnational terrorism. In particular, the course examines why international cooperation is often weak or non-existent despite the dizzying number of international challenges that require cross-border cooperation.

The course begins by borrowing insights from different paradigms to investigate the challenges to global governance. Then, the course applies these insights to a variety of global issues such as global public health, terrorism, refugee crises, etc. By drawing from a diverse set of perspectives from disciplines that range from psychology to economics and political science, students will obtain the analytical skills to evaluate current transnational problems facing policymakers and all of us as participants in a globalized world.

Students, by the end of the course, will be better able to position themselves in relationship to the decomplexities of global governance.

Course Learning Outcomes

On completing the course, students will be able to:

  1. Explain the main competing theoretical paradigms on global governance.
  2. Apply the frameworks discussed during the course to global governance issues.
  3. Understand the emergence of the current world order through different perspectives.
  4. Evaluate contemporary transnational problems by situating the issue both in its historical and current geopolitical context.

Offer Semester and Day of Teaching

First semester (Wed)

Study Load

Activities Number of hours
Lectures 24
Tutorials 10
Reading / Self-study 36
Consultation with the instructor 12
Group work 12
Assessment: Essay / Report writing 26
Assessment: Presentation (incl preparation) 2
Total: 122

Assessment: 100% coursework

Assessment Tasks Weighting
Performance in tutorials 10
Lecture participation 10
Group presentation 20
Written report 25
Peer evaluation 5
Take-home test 30

Required Reading

There is no required textbook for this course. Instead, the required readings come from selected materials from a number of textbooks, books, and articles. In addition to the required readings, there are recommended articles that help to delve deeper into the topic of the week.

Course Co-ordinator and Teacher(s)

Course Co-ordinator Contact
Dr W.M. Chow
Department of Politics and Public Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences
Tel: 3917 4881
Teacher(s) Contact
Dr W.M. Chow
Department of Politics and Public Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences
Tel: 3917 4881