To celebrate the full launch of the Common Core Curriculum, the Common Core Curriculum Committee held a distinguished lecture series in 2012-13 which consisted of five lectures delivered by world-renowned scholars. These lectures provided an overview of the role of the Common Core Curriculum in the undergraduate curriculum and an examination of some of the key issues in each of the Areas of Inquiry (AoIs).

China in the 21st Century:
Deomestic Dilemmas and International Challenges
China: Culture, State and Society AoI
Professor Jeffrey Wasserstrom
University of California, Irvine
Wed March 4, 2013

Gridlock: Why Global
Cooperation is Falling
when we need it most
Global Issues AoI
Professor David Held
Durham University
Tue March 19, 2013

Why the Humanities
Humanities AoI
Professor Sander Gilman
Emory University
Wed October 17, 2012

Science for Future
World Leaders
Scientific & Technological Literacy AoI
Professor Richard Muller
University of California, Berkeley
Wed October 24, 2012