Courses under the thematic cluster 'Sustaining Cities, Cultures, and the Earth' (SCCE)

(applicable to cohorts admitted in or after 2017-18)
‘Sustaining Cities, Cultures, and the Earth’ aligns with the University’s commitment to the United Nations’ Sustainability Development Goals and addresses the pressing question of sustainability across multiple domains of knowledge and practice.
Area of Inquiry | Course code | Course title |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9001 | Redesigning Life |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST5002 | Quantitative Literacy in Science, Technology and Society (Online) |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9002 | Quantitative Literacy in Science, Technology and Society |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9003 | Everyday Computing and the Internet |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9006 | Chasing Biomedical Miracles: Promises and Perils |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9008 | Infectious Disease in a Changing World |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9009 | Living with Stem Cells |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9010 | The Science of Crime Investigation |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9012 | Our Place in the Universe |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9013 | Our Living Environment |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9014 | Science and Music |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9015 | Electronic Technologies in Everyday Life |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9016 | Energy: Its Evolution and Environmental Impacts |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9017 | Hidden Order in Daily Life: A Mathematical Perspective |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9018 | Origin and Evolution of Life |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9019 | Understanding Climate Change |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9020 | Sustainable Development of the Built Environment |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9021 | Hong Kong: Our Marine Heritage |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9022 | How the Mass Media Depicts Science, Technology and the Natural World |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9023 | The Oceans: Science and Society |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9025 | Genetics and Human Nature |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9026 | Scientific Revolutions: Their Continuing Impact on Our World and Society |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9027 | The Science of Irrational Thinking |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9029 | Cyberspace Crime: Technology and Ethics |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9030 | Forensic Science: Unmasking Evidence, Mysteries and Crimes |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9032 | “Intelligent” Architecture and Sustainability |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9033 | Left Brain, Right Brain: Science and Myth |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9034 | Living in a Hazardous World |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST5035 | Making Sense of Science-related Social Issues (Online) |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9035 | Making Sense of Science-related Social Issues |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9036 | Frontiers in Materials: Civilisation, Industry, and Well-Being |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST5037 | Mathematics: A Cultural Heritage (Online) |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9037 | Mathematics: A Cultural Heritage |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9038 | Science and Science Fiction |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9039 | Statistics and Our Society |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9042 | The World of Waves |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9043 | Time’s Arrow |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9045 | The Science and Lore of Culinary Culture |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9046 | The Science of the Mind-body-health Relationship |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9047 | The Age of Big Data |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9048 | Simplifying Complexity |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9049 | The Metaverse: From Human Vision to Extended Reality |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9052 | Coffee, Cigarettes, and Alcohol |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9053 | Responding to Natural Disasters |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9054 | War, Peace and the Natural World |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9055 | Beauty Secrets: Science and Consumerism |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9056 | The Force is with You: How Things Work |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9067 | Leaving Earth: Our Future in Space |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9074 | Water: The Next Oil? |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9075 | Be Fit! Be Active! |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9081 | All You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Humans |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9082 | Pandemics: From Science to Societal Impact |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9083 | Earth as Seen by Satellite |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9085 | Inspiration from the Living World |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9087 | Zero Accident – Everyone’s Effort |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU5001 | Designs on the Future (Online) |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9001 | Designs on the Future: Sustainability of the Built Environment |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9002 | Battles for Bodies: The Birth of Surveillance Society |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9003 | Making History: Engaging with the Powerful Past |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9005 | Food and Values |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9006 | Girl Power in a Man’s World |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9007 | Sexuality and Gender: Diversity and Society |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9009 | Moral Controversies in Contemporary Society |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9010 | Being Different: Understanding People with Disabilities |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9011 | Social Divisions in Contemporary Societies |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9012 | Body, Beauty and Fashion |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU5014 | Spirituality, Religion and Social Change (Online) |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9014 | Spirituality, Religion and Social Change |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9015 | Sex and Intimacy in Modern Times |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9021 | Critical Thinking in Contemporary Society |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9022 | Journey into Madness: Conceptions of Mental Health and Mental Illness |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9023 | Shaping the Landscape: A Quest for Harmony between Nature and the City |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9024 | The Last Dance: Understanding Death and Dying |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9026 | Cultures of Violence: Making Sense of the Human Fighting Instinct |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9030 | Image, Space and Society |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9032 | Language, Institution and Power |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9034 | Architecture and Film |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9038 | Music and the Human Body |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9039 | Sexuality and Culture |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9042 | Human Language: Nature or Nurture? |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9043 | Rethinking Women: The Big Debates |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9044 | Creative Arts as a Way of Knowing |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9045 | Vision: The Science and Art of Perception |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9047 | The Press, the Public and the Public Sphere |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9048 | The City: Histories of Urbanism and the Built Environment |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9049 | Reinventing Classical Music |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9050 | Freedom: Spirits, Experiences, and Expressions |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9052 | The Best Things in Life: A Philosophical Exploration |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9053 | Contested Words, Disputed Symbols |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9054 | Borderlines – Questioning Boundaries in a Vague World |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9056 | Virtual Worlds, Real Bodies |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9057 | Killing Stories: A Search for Truth in the Narratives of War |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9058 | Nature in the City: Beyond the Concrete Jungle |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9059 | Making and Appreciating Drama |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9060 | Games: Play, Learning and Society |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9061 | Science and Religion: Conflict or Conversation? |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9062 | Buddhist Visions in World Cinema |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9063 | Cultures of Madness |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU5065 | A Life Worth Living (Online) |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9065 | A Life Worth Living |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9066 | Human Learning: A Life-long Adventure |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9069 | Finance and Society: How Human Societies have Innovated to Deal with Risk |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9079 | Queering Art, Performance and Cities |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9092 | Disabling Society |
Global Issues | CCGL6001 | Change for a Better Community |
Global Issues | CCGL6002 | Material Ecologies: Local Practices and Global Impacts |
Global Issues | CCGL9002 | Hong Kong Culture in the Context of Globalization |
Global Issues | CCGL9003 | Contagions: Global Histories of Disease |
Global Issues | CCGL9004 | Governance and Democracy in the Age of Globalization |
Global Issues | CCGL9007 | Youth in a Global World |
Global Issues | CCGL9008 | Cybersocieties: Understanding Technology as Global Change |
Global Issues | CCGL9009 | Local Cultures and Global Markets |
Global Issues | CCGL9014 | Thinking about Global Ethics |
Global Issues | CCGL9015 | Globalization and Migration |
Global Issues | CCGL9016 | Feeding the World |
Global Issues | CCGL9017 | Food: Technology, Trade and Culture |
Global Issues | CCGL9018 | Corporate Social Responsibility |
Global Issues | CCGL9019 | Economic Globalization: Issues and Challenges |
Global Issues | CCGL9020 | Environment, Globalization, and Institutions |
Global Issues | CCGL9021 | Globalization and Tourism |
Global Issues | CCGL9023 | Internet, Media and Society |
Global Issues | CCGL9024 | The Life and Death of Languages: Diversity, Identity and Globalization |
Global Issues | CCGL9026 | Think Global, Act Local: You, Hong Kong, and the World |
Global Issues | CCGL9027 | Criminal Globalization, Global Insecurity and the Illicit Global Economy |
Global Issues | CCGL9028 | Gender, Health, and Globalization |
Global Issues | CCGL9030 | Financial Crises: History, Solutions, and Our Economic Futures |
Global Issues | CCGL9031 | Entrepreneurship: Global and Social Development |
Global Issues | CCGL9032 | Rule of Law in a Globalizing World |
Global Issues | CCGL9033 | Weapons of Mass Destruction: Science, Proliferation and Terrorism |
Global Issues | CCGL9034 | Globalization and Architecture |
Global Issues | CCGL9035 | Challenges of Global Governance: Past and Present |
Global Issues | CCGL9036 | Dilemmas of Humanitarian Intervention |
Global Issues | CCGL9038 | Global Englishes |
Global Issues | CCGL9040 | Energy Futures, Globalization and Sustainability |
Global Issues | CCGL9044 | Mobile Identities: Person, Place, and Global Flows |
Global Issues | CCGL9047 | Power, Leadership, and Legitimacy in a Globalizing World |
Global Issues | CCGL5048 | Global Crime and Injustice (Online) |
Global Issues | CCGL9048 | Global Crime and Injustice |
Global Issues | CCGL9049 | Carbon, Money, and Lifestyle |
Global Issues | CCGL9050 | Europe without Borders? |
Global Issues | CCGL9051 | Technology, Power, and Culture in the Global Age |
Global Issues | CCGL9052 | Some We Love, Some We Eat: Human-Animal Relationships in the Global Marketplace |
Global Issues | CCGL9053 | Suicide: Risks, Research, and Realities |
Global Issues | CCGL9054 | Responding to the Challenges of Aging Societies |
Global Issues | CCGL9058 | Villages and Global Futures |
Global Issues | CCGL5062 | Shaping our Health Across Cultures (Online) |
Global Issues | CCGL9062 | Shaping Our Health Across Cultures |
Global Issues | CCGL9065 | Our Response to Climate Change: Hong Kong 2100 |
Global Issues | CCGL9070 | The Birth of the City and the Shaping of Societies |
Global Issues | CCGL9073 | Fashion, Politics, and the Global City |
Global Issues | CCGL9074 | Unleashing the Power of Big Data in Global Cities |
Global Issues | CCGL9076 | Material Matters – Global Perspectives and Local Practices |
Global Issues | CCGL9077 | Education as Solution?: Debating Education round the Globe |
Global Issues | CCGL9079 | Leadership and Influence in a Dynamic World |
Global Issues | CCGL9080 | Societies on the Water |
Global Issues | CCGL9081 | One Planet, One Health |
Global Issues | CCGL9082 | Sustaining Sustainability: Innovations for Policies and Governance |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9001 | Chinese House and Garden: Architecture, Landscape, and Material Culture |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9002 | Chinese Cities in the 21st Century |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9003 | Modernity and Traditional Chinese Thought |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9004 | Ideas and Images of the West in Late Imperial China |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9005 | The Chinese Cultural Revolution |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH5006 | China’s Modernization in the East Asian Context (Online) |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9006 | China’s Modernization in the East Asian Context |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9007 | China in the Global Economy |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9008 | Hong Kong’s Environment: Issues and Policies |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9011 | China’s Rise and Asia’s Future |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9013 | Love, Marriage and Sex in Modern China |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9014 | Social Development Challenges in China |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9015 | Population, Society and Sustainable Development in Hong Kong |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9016 | Hong Kong: Becoming a Chinese Global City |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH5017 | People, Propaganda and Profit: Understanding Media in China (Online) |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9017 | People, Propaganda and Profit: Understanding Media in China |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9020 | Science and Technology: Lessons from China |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9021 | Chinese Business Practice and Society: Past and Present |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9023 | Family and Development in Modern China |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9024 | Following the Dao: Ways of Life in Chinese Thought |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9025 | Humanity and Nature in Chinese Thought |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9028 | Hong Kong and China’s Economic Development |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9029 | Ideas and Practices of Healing in Traditional China |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9033 | Sustainable Urban Development and Hong Kong |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9035 | Music Along the Silk Road |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9036 | Environmental Pollution in China |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH5039 | Curing the Chinese: Medicine and Society in Modern China (Online) |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9039 | Curing the Chinese: Medicine and Society in Modern China |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9041 | The Rule of Law in Contemporary China |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9042 | Corruption and Anticorruption in China |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9050 | Blessings or Curses? World Heritage Sites in China and their Sustainability |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9051 | Digitizing Cultural Heritage in Greater China |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH5057 | Shaping Health in China (Online) |