Special Common Core Proviso in the Determination of the Graduation Grade Point Average
(Applicable to students of the 2017-18 intake and thereafter)
This special proviso is implemented with the intention of encouraging you to be risk-taking and exploratory in your selection of Common Core courses in order for you to broaden your horizons even more thoroughly outside of your disciplinary studies. If you are a student of the 2017-18 intake and thereafter and have successfully completed six Common Core courses, the determination of your Graduation Grade Point Average* (GGPA) will be subject to a proviso that either five Common Core courses with the highest grades (covering all Areas of Inquiry), or all six courses will be taken into account, depending on which generates a higher score.
For students who have successfully completed two 3-credit Common Core Microcredentials in place of one 6-credit Common Core course, the average grade point of the two 3-credit courses will be treated as the grade point of one 6-credit Common Core course.
Please note that the proviso will not apply to students in cases where they have been granted Advanced Standing or Credit Transfer for Common Core courses, and where they are required to complete less than 6 six-credit courses in the Common Core Curriculum for fulfilment of the graduation requirement as stipulated in UG5 of the Regulations for First Degree Curricula (e.g. students registered for dual degrees).
The special proviso for GGPA calculation operates only when there are six letter-graded Common Core courses. In other words, if any of the Common Core courses are changed to Pass/Fail grading (applicable to courses in 2019-20 S1-S2 and 2020-21 S1), the special proviso will no longer apply, i.e. the grades of all of the other letter-graded CC courses will be contributing to the GGPA.
A “Quick Guide on Calculation of CGPA (Based on best 5 CCCs) Before Graduation” is available at https://intraweb.hku.hk/reserved_1/sis_student/sis/reference-materials/Quick_Guide_on_Calculation_of_CGPA_(Based_on_Best_5_CCCs)_before_Graduation.pdf for you to calculate your CGPA (Based on your best 5 CC courses) before graduation. This may help you monitor your study progress and facilitate your course selection. Different scenarios are listed in the guideline so as to provide you with a better understanding of the calculation.
* GGPA is the GPA in respect of courses attempted by a candidate (including failed courses) at the point of graduation. For details, please refer to the relevant section(s) of the Regulations for First Degree Curricula.