Teaching and Learning Advisors & Mentors

This is a directory of Common Core’s course coordinator peer mentors, instructional designer experts, and technology advisors.

Online Course Design and Technology Advice for Teaching

Liaison Expertise Email Contact
Wincy Chan CC and TALIC Point Person for Digital Teaching & Tool Tips wincy@hku.hk
Ellen Seto CC and TALIC Course and Learning Design setoe1@hku.hk
Michelle Raquel  Communication-Intensive-Courses (teaching written, oral, visual, digital literacies, CIC badging)  michelle.raquel@hku.hk 
Carson Hung TALIC E-Learning Technologist carsonks@hku.hk
Lily Zeng TALIC Technology-enhanced learning, student feedback zengll@hku.hk
Lillian Luk TALIC Technology-enhanced learning, student feedback lyyluk@hku.hk

Louisa Chan CAES Speaking Studio lswchan@hku.hk
Sam Cole CAES Writing Centre samcole@hku.hk
Andy Jarvis Digital Literacy Lab ajarvis@hku.hk


Pedagogical challenges

The colleagues at Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC) are dedicated to improving the quality of the student learning experience through professional development, and the scholarship and research of teaching and learning. They are more than happy to help with any of your pedagogical concerns.