“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” – Henry Ford
“A goal is a dream with a deadline.” – Napoleon Hill
I am a student, writer, and hustler. The two quotes above summarize my attitude in life: dream far, achieve big, and make things happen. I’m passionate about learning new things, solving problems, and creating social impact for a life worth living.
Since 2013, I run CureEczemaSlowly.com to share with people how to eliminate eczema for good. Four years later, it has reached 0.6M visitors across 210+ countries worldwide.
In Sep 2017, The Eczema Manual was finally launched. My book covers the big picture of how to eliminate eczema using an evidence-based approach from zero to one. All action, no fluff.
I grew up in Hong Kong, Australia, Shanghai, and currently study Food & Nutritional Science in The University of Hong Kong.
What comes next? We’ll see. I want to pursue the direction of filling educational gaps left unmatched by the rapid changes in the modern career landscape. In my free time (if any), I pursue and improve my craft in public speaking, digital marketing, and all things career development.
You may also learn more about my philosophy of life at HarrisonLi.org.