Courses under the thematic cluster 'The Quest for a Meaningful Life' (UQM)

The Quest for a Meaningful Life (applicable to cohorts admitted in or after 2020-21) /
The Universe and the Question of Meaning (applicable to cohorts admitted in 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20)
‘The Universe and the Question of Meaning’ is designed for those most interested in cross-overs between different ways of knowing the world, practices of spirituality, and philosophical reflections on meaning, ethics and well-being.
Area of Inquiry | Course code | Course title |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST6001 | Change for a Better Self |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9001 | Redesigning Life |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9012 | Our Place in the Universe |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9018 | Origin and Evolution of Life |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9026 | Scientific Revolutions: Their Continuing Impact on Our World and Society |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9027 | The Science of Irrational Thinking |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9043 | Time’s Arrow |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9051 | What are We Made of – the Fundamental Nature of Matter |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9058 | Learning and the Brain |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9060 | Exploring Human Longevity |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9072 | Smile! Teeth and Society |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9077 | The Quantum Revolution: From Secret Codes to Black Holes |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9081 | All You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Humans |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9084 | From Ancient Remedies to Modern Medicine: A Historical Perspective on Health Technology |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9085 | Inspiration from the Living World |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9086 | Scientific Thinking in Life and Society |
Science, Technology and Big Data | CCST9088 | Cosmic Frontiers: How Discoveries are Made and their Scientific Impact |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9009 | Moral Controversies in Contemporary Society |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU5014 | Spirituality, Religion and Social Change (Online) |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9014 | Spirituality, Religion and Social Change |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9024 | The Last Dance: Understanding Death and Dying |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9051 | Mysteries of the Human Mind |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9052 | The Best Things in Life: A Philosophical Exploration |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9061 | Science and Religion: Conflict or Conversation? |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9062 | Buddhist Visions in World Cinema |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU5065 | A Life Worth Living (Online) |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9065 | A Life Worth Living |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9078 | Contemplative Practices: From Personal Awareness to Social Well-being |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9080 | Dead People’s Things: Excavating the Past with Archaeology |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9083 | From Krishna to the Kardashians: Technologies of the Soul |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9086 | Understanding Religious Worlds |
Arts and Humanities | CCHU9090 | The Love We Give and the Lies We Tell: The Ethics of Relationships |
Global Issues | CCGL9003 | Contagions: Global Histories of Disease |
Global Issues | CCGL9008 | Cybersocieties: Understanding Technology as Global Change |
Global Issues | CCGL9014 | Thinking about Global Ethics |
Global Issues | CCGL9042 | The Evolution of Civilization |
Global Issues | CCGL9055 | Genocide: Mass Violence and the Quest for Justice |
Global Issues | CCGL9061 | Digital Humanitarianism: Can You Save the World with Your Computer? |
Global Issues | CCGL9064 | Body Politics: Local Worlds, Global Processes |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9003 | Modernity and Traditional Chinese Thought |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9018 | Buddhism and Chinese Culture |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9024 | Following the Dao: Ways of Life in Chinese Thought |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9025 | Humanity and Nature in Chinese Thought |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9029 | Ideas and Practices of Healing in Traditional China |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9037 | Chinese Mythology |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH9056 | Valuing the Land: Stories from Chinese Cities |
China: Culture, State and Society | CCCH6001 | Human Monkeys: Unethical Research in Manchuria |