CUHK Survey on Curriculum Reform

CUHK survey finds 80% of teachers believe students’ transversal and transformative competencies should be improved

CUHK, the Hong Kong Centre for International Student Assessment (HKCISA) and the Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools (HKAHSS) jointly conducted a survey on Curriculum Reform in September 2019 involving 183 principals and 1,158 teachers from 213 secondary schools. Research findings revealed that over 80% of respondents agreed that the most important aim of future secondary curriculum is to improve students’ transversal and transformative competencies and generic skills. These include the ability to act autonomously and take responsibility, to interact in heterogeneous groups and reconcile tensions and dilemmas. The survey also found over half of the respondents supported revamping the “3322” requirements in HKDSE for university admission. The survey suggested that the curriculum and assessment system should be more flexible and the high-stake and demanding HKDSE should make appropriate adjustments.

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