Enter your short films into HKU’s Short Film Festival!

Selected films will be publicly featured at the Festival in Tai Kwun. Awardees will share in total prizes of HK$2,000 and the chance to showcase their work at the Movies in Wonderland Festival in Austria.

This year, we are exploring “Unleash Infinite Possibilities”, a theme highlighting Artificial Intelligence’s transformative potential in filmmaking and creative production. The Festival is a collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Vienna University of Technology.

Submissions are due by March 22, 2024, and are open to all HKU students and staff.

To participate, please adhere to the following steps:

  1. The film must be produced by a current student or faculty member of HKU.
  2. The film should not exceed 10 minutes in duration.
  3. All genres and styles are welcome, including but not limited to narrative, documentary, animation, and GenAI experiments.
  4. Films must be submitted in a digital format (.mp4 or .mov preferred).
  5. Submissions should include a brief synopsis, production credits, and contact information (1 A4 page max).