Activities / Things to Do – Common Core Learning Partners

  1. CantoGather | Promotion of Cantonese Teaching Service Opportunity to Students

新學期想挑戰自己? 做粵講粵叻導師最啱你  

[Please scroll down for the English version]


「小朋友由第一堂嘅扭晒計、唔肯上堂,到後期會主動搵我hug + 拖住我隻手去禮堂,嗰個轉變係有啲感動。」—— CantoGatherer








  1. 導師培訓工作坊^
  1. 2023年9月7日 星期六 10:30 – 12:30
  2.  2023年9月14日 星期六 10:30 – 12:30
  1. 課堂^
  1. 逢星期六 2024年9月21日 – 2024年11月23日 逢星期六 10:15 – 12:30(10月12日及公眾假期除外)
  2. 地點:元朗或其他地區 (我哋會與成功被取錄嘅導師確認服務地點)
  3. ^如冇特殊理由,義工須出席所有培訓同課堂


仲等?快啲填妥呢張報名表格 (。 我哋8月2號就截止啦!等你一齊攜手改變社會


如果你有任何問題,可以隨時透過Whatsapp(+852 5684 1709)或者電郵(聯絡我哋,同埋記住留意我哋嘅IGFacebook啊!


Want to have fun and meet friends while making a difference? Join us at CantoGather! 

“My student didn’t want to participate in class and talk to me in the first class, but by the end of the semester, he hugged me and held my hand when we got down to the hall. His change really touched me!” – CantoGatherer


If you like kids AND Cantonese, CantoGather is your destination. We need you as our tutor! 

If you become our volunteer, you will get to teach 1 to 5 adorable non-Chinese children about Cantonese, culture, and community over 9 classes at school! We will provide you with training so that you can effectively teach Chinese as a second language and be more informed about the cultural diversity of Hong Kong.  You will also have the materials you would need for teaching.

We want to make CommUnity a reality with Cantonese and multicultural education — and we can only do that with YOU.


Programme Details

  1. Tutor Training Workshops^
  1. 7 SEP 2024 (SAT) 10:30 – 12:30
  2. 14 SEP 2024 (SAT) 10:30 – 12:30
  1. Teaching Dates^
  1. Dates: 21 SEP 2024 – 23 NOV 2024 10:15 – 12:30 (Every Saturday) @ Yuen Long or other districts (we will confirm the service locations with tutors)

^ If without a special reason, we expect our volunteers to attend all of our sessions.


What are you waiting for? Fill out our volunteer form now (! Our application deadline is August 2, 2024!


If you have any questions, please reach out to us via WhatsApp (+852 5684 1709) or at You can find out more about us on Instagram and Facebook. We look forward to meeting you soon!