Events Calendar



Gaming for Teachers: SDG 2030 Game

Common Core / BASc Lounge Room 150 1/F Main Building, The University of Hong Kong

HKU Common Core would like to invite teachers to participate in the 2030 SDGs Game. Created in Japan, this multiplayer, card-based game simulates taking the “real world” into the year 2030 to gain a deeper appreciation of the United Nations SDGs. • Why should we integrate SDGs in our teaching? • How are SDGs related […]

Common Core Tutor Certificate Workshop – Foundations in Teaching and Learning

Common Core / BASc Lounge Room 150 1/F Main Building, The University of Hong Kong

As an initiative to provide a professional development path for tutors, the Common Core, in collaboration with the Centre for Applied English (CAES) and Communication-Intensive Courses (CiC), is hosting a 1-day workshop open to all Common Core tutors. This hands-on workshop will provide practical skills and strategies to enhance the engagement and experiences of students […]

Common Core 2021-2022 Semester 1 Tutor Orientation: Learning-in-Motion

Common Core / BASc Lounge Room 150 1/F Main Building, The University of Hong Kong

  All of us in the Common Core would like to warmly welcome both new and experienced tutors to the First Semester and hope that you will be able to attend our orientation workshop, Learning-in-Motion, to be held on September 3, 2021, 10 am – 12 noon in the Common Core Lounge. The key to student […]