“Hi I am Soumik. I was born in India but grew up in Hong Kong and have been living here since 2014. I am currently majoring in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology in the faculty of science. In my free time, I love to travel, take photos, play guitar and listen to music.
I am currently majoring in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. When I first came to know about the common core curriculum I was a bit surprised (in a good way) to see its wide range of contents and was a bit overwhelmed too. Also especially being a first year student CCs were the only place where I met people from various faculties and other countries too.
As a common core consultant, I am excited to provide my take on various CC areas and hoping to see more students taking CCs and loving the journey of it. I look forward to representing my peers and working closely with faculty to create innovative solutions that benefit all students.”