Events Calendar



ThinkOcean HKU Otter Exhibition

Common Core / BASc Lounge Room 150 1/F Main Building, The University of Hong Kong

The Eurasian Otter is an elusive and endangered species that most people aren't even aware exists in Hong Kong. ???? We at ThinkOcean HKU are delighted to announce our exhibition event supported by WWF-Hong Kong at HKU (Main Building, Room No. 150) during 21-25 November from 10am to 6pm, to raise awareness on this beautiful […]

Creating non-linear stories using Twine to support case-based learning


Date: 30 November 2022 (Wednesday) Time: 12:30 pm – 1:45 pm Venue: RRS 321, 3/F Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus, HKU Speaker: Mr. Donn Gonda, CETL Registration: Abstract Storytelling can be a powerful tool to enhance students’ communication skills. These stories can help students to understand complex and abstract concepts by allowing them […]

Untitled: A.I. and Transformations to Teaching and Learning


Untitled: A.I. and Transformations to Teaching and Learning   The rapid technological advances in AI deep generative models have significant and disruptive implications for teaching and learning within higher education. While there are questions and issues around academic honesty, plagiarism, creativity, and originality - the potential to enhance student learning is substantial. Join us for […]

Tutor Certificate Workshop – Foundations in Teaching and Learning

Common Core / BASc Lounge Room 150 1/F Main Building, The University of Hong Kong

As an initiative to provide a professional development path for tutors, the Communication-Intensive Courses (CiC) initiative in collaboration with the Common Core and the Centre for Applied English (CAES), is hosting a 1-day workshop open to tutors.   Date: Wednesday, 11 January 2023 Time: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Location: Common Core Lounge (Main Building Room 150)   This […]

Future Readiness Workshop Series – You 2.0: Healthy, Happy and Empowered

Common Core / BASc Lounge Room 150 1/F Main Building, The University of Hong Kong

Are you Future R.E.A.D.Y? R.E.A.D.Y. stands for Resilience & Change Management Empathy & Social Wellbeing Attention and Focus for Performance Develop Talents and Discover Purpose You 2.0: Healthy, Happy and Empowered In a Post-Pandemic World of constant change, master the skills needed for success. Join our 4-Part Workshop Series about the Future Readiness, as part […]

Healing Our World 療癒我們的家園 | World Religion Day 2023

EY Wavespace, 22/F Citic Tower, 20 Tim Mei Avenue, Central, Hong Kong

World Religion Day 2023 Healing Our World: Spiritual Inspirations, Conversations, Actions 療癒我們的家園:知—行—共勉 Interfaith dialogue, devotions and music with members of different religious and non-religious communities in HK. Come to share and learn about healing our world at the personal, community and planetary levels Date:  Feb 5 (Sun), 2023 Time:  2 – 5 pm (HKT) Language: English […]

Future Readiness Workshop Series – Develop Talents and Discover Purpose

Common Core / BASc Lounge Room 150 1/F Main Building, The University of Hong Kong

Are you Future R.E.A.D.Y? R.E.A.D.Y. stands for Resilience & Change Management Empathy & Social Wellbeing Attention and Focus for Performance Develop Talents and Discover Purpose You 2.0: Healthy, Happy and Empowered In a Post-Pandemic World of constant change, master the skills needed for success. Join our 4-Part Workshop Series about the Future Readiness, as part […]

Info Session on Common Core Transdisciplinary Research Exchange 2023


The Common Core is inviting applications for Critical Zones, this year’s Transdisciplinary Research Exchange 2023, co-organized with the Honours Programme at the University of Utrecht (Netherlands). To increase capacities for creative problem-solving and global collaboration that produces tangible outcomes around issues that they care deeply about, students will work with each other and their peers […]

Giving Teachers A Creative Writing Boost

Common Core / BASc Lounge Room 150 1/F Main Building, The University of Hong Kong

Date: March 10, 2023 Time: 2:00 - 5:00 PM Venue: Common Core Lounge (MB150, Main Building, HKU) Facilitator: Tanya Kempston Senior Lecturer and PGDE Programme Director, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong A three-hour workshop for teachers of English in Hong Kong secondary schools offered jointly by the Hong Kong International Literary Festival, the […]


Common Core / BASc Lounge Room 150 1/F Main Building, The University of Hong Kong

Student visual artist, Mr. Clive Ka-lun LEE (PhD in education) is organising a community engaged visual arts exhibition, "RESILIENCE: Farewell" to invite participants to contribute in co-creation and say goodbye to the feelings about COVID 19 and welcome a new page. Artist will also be on site to invite audience to bring their own materials […]

Thriving @ HKU: Open Doors to Happiness

2/F Multi-Purpose Area, HKU Library

Dear students, Are you feeling overwhelmed with the challenges of university life? You are not alone. We’ve got your back! Join your peers for an exciting event designed to help you better navigate university life and unleash your potential. Get ready to level up your happiness and build resilience in the face of challenges! Near the coming International Day […]

Food and Identity in Hong Kong Literature: Student-Led Discussion


What food can best represent Hong Kong? Egg tart, Pineapple bun, or milk tea? In this casual academic dialogue, we will move beyond these cliched representations of the city and critically engage with the complexities of postcolonial identity from a gastronomical perspective. While previous studies on food and Hong Kong identity have mostly relied on […]