Events Calendar



[Postponed] Origins of Cinema & Preserving Film Heritage: Seminar and Film Screening

Rayson Huang Theatre (RHT) The University of Hong Kong

After careful consideration of the health and safety of our participants and partners under the emergence of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 virus in the community—and after consultations with our HKU partners—we have made the difficult decision to postpone this event yet a later date.   Motion pictures were invented in 1895. Yet earliest attempts […]

Common Core Staff-Student Consultative Meeting on Zoom


This meeting provides a channel of communication between students across campus and the Common Core. All undergraduate students are encouraged to join us in order to learn more about course development, how the programme is structured from the inside-out, and to let us know your suggestions for further enhancing the experience of the Common Core […]

Panel Discussion – Transdisciplinary Undergraduate Research: Critical Zones


This panel discussion of Student Peer Mentors, under the guidance of Ian Paolo Villareal, will share their insights, successes, and challenges around Transdisciplinary Undergraduate Research and the Critical Zones Project. This is a great opportunity to learn about the different ways that undergraduate students are approaching interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research work around a diverse range […]

Showcase and Discussion: Learning Game Design in the Common Core


We are hosting a showcase event to highlight a few of the games created from a 9-week Learning Game Design in the Common Core research project, in collaboration with Press Start Academy, a Hong Kong-based educational game design company. This event will feature games designed by undergraduate students on Common Core courses including a panel […]

Student Workshop: Students-for-Change: The SDGs and Daily Life in Hong Kong


The world is home to the largest generation in the history of young people between the ages of 15 and 24 years, adding up to 1.8 billion. Close to 90 percent of the youth live in developing countries, where they constitute a large proportion of the population (UN Youth Strategy). Connected to each other like never before […]

A Virtual Tour: The Common Core Digital Exhibition Villa! (Student Learning Festival)


Welcome to the CC Digital Villa! The Common Core Digital Exhibition Villa is a virtual space that showcases student work from Common Core courses, projects, and other initiatives. In this demonstration, Mathew and Lynn will take you on a tour of the Exhibit Space Villa and show you how teachers and students can use it […]

Communication! Future Readiness across Digital, Visual, Writing, and Speaking Literacies.


What, in our time, does it mean to “communicate” effectively? Why, for students, is enhancing communication skills absolutely essential?  Many undergraduate courses teach content but have assessment tasks which test both students’ knowledge of content and how they communicate this. Examples of the communication assessments are an essay, a report, an oral presentation, a poster, […]

HKU Horizons Experience Award 2021-22: Screening of Winning Videos


The HKU Horizons Experience Awards competition is organized annually to encourage students to reflect on and share their mainland/international learning experiences, with a top prize of $10,000 and two further prizes of $5,000 to be awarded. Awards will be made on the basis of the substance and value of the learning experience captured, and also […]

Student Sharing Session: A Community of Practice: The Value of Virtual Exchanges and Internships (Student Learning Festival)


What does civic leadership mean in the digital age? What are the social problems that concern young people in Hong Kong and Birmingham? How can civic leadership developed in exchanges and internships help to address these issues? Join us for a Community of Practice sharing session between students from the University of Hong Kong Common […]

Seminar: An Afternoon at the Movies: Thinking through Film


What types of movies have CC students created in our courses in order to think through film? How might this work enhance their communication skills, their imaginations, and their critical thinking? Bring your popcorn! Speakers: Prof Gina Marchetti, Department of Comparative Literature, HKU Dr Esther Yau, Department of Comparative Literature, HKU Mr Nik Ettel, Faculty […]

Student Workshop: Enhancing your CV Building and Interview Skills


Are you new to CV drafting and interview skills or simply want to get a refresher? If so, this workshop may suit you. In this workshop, we will provide useful tips for building CVs, covering from layout design to word choices. We will also share some interview tips for you to build rapport with your […]